Future dreaming Part VII #libraryfutures

How can we collectively contribute to the future of the profession?

I recently attended a talk given by Professor Linda Tuhiwai Smith where she shared her experiences of being a researcher. She spoke of the importance of creating spaces for emerging practitioners to learn how to be part of the research community of their discipline and the wider national & international research communities. She shared anecdotes about providing both physical and mental space for PhD & postdoctoral students to be able to safely learn and practice how to be confident public speakers, committee members, lecturers to become active participants in the professional community. She spoke about service back to the profession and about the importance of giving people the space and support to learn how to contribute to the profession.

When I turn this lens to librarianship, I see a number of ways (big, small and every level in-between) in which we can give service back to the profession, which both strengthens the profession and supports its future.

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